Monday, May 11, 2009


Statistics show that many people tend to be dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth. This is usually due to discoloration, spaces or uneven positioning of teeth. I would like to discuss a possible solution to many of these common issues called Lumineers. Lumineer porcelain veneers are custom designed to give you the beautiful smile you desire and much easier to place than you may have thought. It used to be that when we did a traditional porcelain veneer case, some of the enamel had to be removed from the teeth being treated. This was to make room so the veneers would fit properly and usually required anesthesia and some form of temporization in between visits. However unlike traditional veneers, there are no shots and no drilling of sensitive tooth structures with the Lumineer system. Due to advances in technology, Lumineers are fabricated to be as thin as a contact lens and for this reason there's no reason to make room by removing your own tooth structure. Also, this process actually increases the bond strength between the veneers and the teeth because enamel is the best material to bond to and much less of it is removed with this system. Lumineers have been proven to last over 20 years which is significantly longer than traditional veneers. They’re even reversible. So to summarize one can have a safe and permanent new smile in two easy and comfortable visists that consist of impressions and delivery.

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