Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The true value of teeth.

Time and time again I see new patients who are dissatisfied with work that was done previously. More often than not, the condition is irreversible and more complex treatment is necessary to rectify the situation.
As adults we all have approximately 32 teeth and there are no spares. Once a tooth is damaged or lost it is not coming back. This is the reason why every single tooth is so valuable and irreplaceable.
In my opinion the key to better dental care is proper diagnosis and treatment in the first place. Too many people assume that a dentist is a dentist and that you get the same caliber of dentistry no matter where you go. Unfortunately this is far from the truth. Even more unfortunate is that by the time a patient realizes that previous treatments were faulty, it is often too late.
My staff and I have many years of training and experience and pride ourselves in providing the most conservative and clinically sound treatment bar none. There is absolutely no substitute to doing it right in the first place!

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